Foundational Documents
The Dean of Students has identified four foundational documents (consisting of texts, articles and statements) that complement the Campus Life Mission statement and help to inform our approach to the work of Campus Life. All Campus Life employees are encouraged to read, become familiar with and regularly review the messages contained in the Foundational Documents.

Document References
- John, Welch W., and Don E. Norton, eds. Educating Zion. Provo, Utah: BYU Studies, 1996.
- Mission and Aims of a BYU Education
- Maxwell, Neal A., …A More Excellent Way. Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret Book Co., 1967.
- Magolda, Peter. Baxter Magolda, Marcia. Contested Issues in Student Affairs: Diverse Perspectives and Respectful Dialogues. Sterling, Virginia: Stylus Publishing, LLC. 2011.