International students are required to submit a one-time deposit of $4,000 to enroll in classes at Brigham Young University. This deposit acts as a safety fund that helps ensure the students can pay for schooling when financial hardships arise. A student must meet with the Dean of Students Office to discuss financial hardship to access the international deposit funds. Students should not access more than $3,000 of their deposit before the semester they graduate. When a student applies for graduation or their status changes and they are no longer an international student (i.e., permanent residency), they can request their remaining deposit. The university will apply the deposit to unpaid charges (if any), and refund the deposit to the student.
More Information About International Deposits
Direct Deposit
Your direct deposit on My Financial Center needs to be set up to receive a refund of your international deposit. Please confirm that your direct deposit is set up correctly by following these instructions before requesting to receive a refund.
To make an appointment about your deposit or to discuss your financial situation as an international student, call (801) 422-2731 or email Please provide your name, BYU ID, and a brief explanation for requesting a meeting.
Individual circumstances can result in unique questions or concerns. Please contact the Dean of Students Office if you have any questions: 801-422-2731
All international undergraduate students (F-1 or J-1 status) admitted to BYU are required to submit a deposit of $4,000 USD before enrolling in classes and initiating student visa paperwork. The deposit balance should not be less than $1,000 to avoid registration holds being placed on a student's account.
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What is it used for?
The deposit is a safety fund to ensure financial responsibility for students. Part of the deposit can be used (after the student’s freshman year) in case of emergency or financial hardship with approval from the Associate Dean of Students. Otherwise, the deposit will be refunded to the student when they leave BYU.
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How do I pay?
Students can pay their deposit online through Enrollment Services. If you are unable to pay online, your deposit can also be paid by phone or mail through Enrollment Services.
Phone: Call Enrollment Services with your credit or debit card information at (801) 422-4104. Make sure that your credit or debit card does not have a daily limit of less than $4,000 USD.
Mail: Send a $4,000 USD check or money order from a US bank. Include a sheet of paper with your contact information and an explanation of why you are sending the deposit.
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How is it refunded?
In order to receive a refund of your deposit, make sure that you have a bank account linked to your student account. Go to “My Financial Center” and edit the “Direct Deposit” section to attach your bank account. If you are unable to set up direct deposit and need to receive your refund through another method, contact the Student Financial Services office at (801) 422-4636 for exceptions.
Once you qualify for a refund, email with your name, student ID number, and an explanation of your request. That information will go to the Associate Dean. It will take 4-5 business days for the refund to be fully processed, so please plan accordingly. Any outstanding charges on your student account will be paid off automatically before the remainder of the deposit is returned to you.
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When you have applied for graduation and are in your last semester at BYU, you are eligible to receive a full refund of your international student deposit. This money can also be applied towards tuition for your last semester. To initiate the refund, follow the steps under “How is it refunded?”
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Leaving BYU
If you are leaving BYU permanently for reasons other than graduation, you are eligible to receive a full refund of your international student deposit.
If you are leaving BYU but staying in the US, you need to submit a "Transfer Out" form prior to receiving your refund. Please visit International Student & Scholar Services for more information about eligibility and procedures for transferring. Fill out the required "Transfer Out" e-form here.
If you are leaving BYU and not staying in the US, you need to submit a "Departure Notice" form prior to receiving your refund. Please fill out the form here. To initiate the refund, follow the steps under “How is it refunded?”
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Status Change
If you become a permanent resident or citizen of the US and no longer have the status of an international student, you are eligible to receive a full refund of your deposit. After bringing proof of your status change (i.e., green card) to the International Student and Scholar Services Office, you can initiate the refund by following the steps under “How is it refunded?”
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If you are deferring for a mission, you may choose to receive a full refund of your international student deposit. In that case, you must pay the deposit again before getting a new I-20 and returning to BYU. However, you may choose to leave the money in your deposit account account. To initiate the refund, follow the steps under “How is it refunded?”
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Using Deposit Early
Students who experience unforeseen financial hardship while studying at BYU may petition to use up to $3,000 of their deposit before their final semester. To petition, you must make an appointment with the Associate Dean of Students in person at 3500 WSC, by emailing, or by calling (801) 422-2731.
For additional assistance, schedule a meeting with the Associate Dean to discuss your financial situation.
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Information about Sponsorship
International students may have sponsors that give them money for their international student deposit. In the case that a student receives money from a sponsor, it is recommended that they make a contract or agreement with them about how the money will be handled throughout their duration at BYU and upon graduation.
Once money has been given to a student and placed in their international student deposit, sponsors no longer have access to that money and cannot request to receive a refund from BYU. Only BYU international students may request to withdraw money from their deposit or request a refund.